E.F. Schumacher Discussing Appropriate Technology - Panel Discussion 3/19/1977

The video : 42min19
Economist E.F. Schumacher lectured on Appropriate Technology at the Great Circle Center, University of Illinois, Chicago, in March, 1977. Schumacher advocated for the idea that ‘small is beautiful’, i.e., technology should be smaller-scale and economic provision more locally-oriented. He was joined in this panel discussion by Sid Wright and Sylvan Wittwer.
Many of Schumacher’s ideas about economic and ecological sustainability were informed by concerns around « peak oil » around the 1970s, when many in the industrialized world realized fossil fuels were finite and could run out in several years. While Schumacher’s confidence that « peak oil » was close at hand has been disproved by history, global warming and climate change now bring new relevance to many of E.F. Schumacher’s alternative economic precepts.
E.F. Schumacher
0:49 on Appropriate Technology
5:44 on Homecoming, Relocalization
Sid Wright
8:43 on Regionalism
Sylvan Wittwer
12:16 on Agriculture and Food Systems
20:07 on Energy and Agricultural Policy
Comments and Quesitons
25:00 Sid Wright Commons on Agriculture and Land Use
25:51 Question & Answer Period