The Solidarity Economy in Turkey: First Meetings between Actors and Researchers
The international colloquium « Solidarity Economy in Turkey: First Meetings between Actors and Researchers » was organised by Galatasray University under the responsibility of Olivier Gajac, Selin Pelek, Cem Özatalay and Cemil Yıldızcan, in partnership with the scientific committee of RIPESS Europe and its coordinators Jean-Louis Laville and Laura Aufrère.
Turkish initiatives and researchers were brought together to discuss the current state of the solidarity economy in Turkey. The different workshops were based on presentations made by the actors of their activities, sharing their analyses of the identified issues, in dialogue with academics from Galatasaray University, ODTÛ University and Doḡus University. Short food circuits, local cooperatives, self-help groups, popular universities were brought together to discuss solidarity alternatives in Turkey in their diversity.
With the contribution of the researchers invited to the final round table, Aslıhan Aykaç from the University of Ege, Fikret Adaman from the University Boḡazici and the contribution of Jean-Louis Laville, the aim was to identify common issues and particularities: it is an invitation to respond to the epistemological challenges of the social and solidarity economy in Turkey and to establish inter-knowledge that could lead to different projects and future meetings.
SESSION I: Renewing Commitment Through Spaces of Consumption, Production and Solidarity Service
Issue 1 : Educational Alternatives
Language: Turkish - Day of recording: December 14th, 2020
Many thanks to Selin Pelek who facilitated the two sessions on Educational Alternatives. Selin Pelek is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of Galatasaray University (GSÜ) and participated in the research project on « Solidarity Economy Initiatives in Turkey » (AUF Central and Eastern Europe).
Intervention of Yasin Sancak from the initiative BBOM at Izmir.
Podcast of the speech in Turkish:
Turkish Transcription of Podcast: İzmir’deki BBOM’dan Yasin Sancak’ın konuşması
English Translation of Podcast: Intervention of Yasin Sancak from the initiative BBOM at Izmir
French Translation of Podcast: Intervention de Yasin Sancak BBOM, Izmir
Profile of the initiative :
Email and Social Networks :,;;;

Intervention of Ali Nesin from the initiative Matematik Köy at Şirince
Podcast of the speech in Turkish:
English Translation of Podcast: Intervention of Ali Nesin from the initiative Matematik Köy at Şirince
French Translation of Podcast: Intervention d’Ali Nesin de l’initiative Matematik Köy à Şirince
Profile of the initiative :
Email and Social Networks :;;;

Issue 2 : Alternative Consumption and Commitment
Language: Turkish, and French Translation - Day of recording: December 14th, 2020
Many thanks to Ceyhan Temürcü who facilitated the two sessions on Alternative Consumption and Commitment. Ceyhan Temürcü is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Cognitive Sciences, Institute of Information of Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) (Ankara).
Intervention of Fatih Özden from Doğa ve İnsan Dostu Gıda Topluluğu at Izmir
Podcast of the speech in Turkish:
English Translation of Podcast: Intervention of Fatih Özden from Doğa ve İnsan Dostu Gıda Topluluğu at Izmir
French Translation of Podcast: Intervention de Fatih Özden, Doğa ve İnsan Dostu Gıda Topluluğu, Izmir
Profile of the initiative:
Email :
Intervention of Çetin Durukanoğlu from Yerdeniz Kooperatifi at Yeldeğirmeni (Istanbul)
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish Translation of Podcast: İstanbul’dakı Yerdeniz (Yeldeḡirmine’de) kooperatifinden Çetin Durukanoğlu’nun konuşması
Profile of the initiative :
Email and Social Networks :;;;

Issue 3 : The Renewal of the Cooperative Movement?
Language: French Translation - Day of recording: December 14th, 2020
Many thanks to Cemil Yıldızcan who facilitated the two sessions on The Renewal of the Cooperative Movement? Cemil Yıldızcan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of Galatasaray University (GSÜ) (Istanbul).
Intervention of Deniz Çakan from Ovacik at Dersim (Tunceli)
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish or English Translation of Podcast: coming soon.
Profile of the initiative:
Social Networks:;;

Intervention of Eray İnce from Refikler Kömünü/Bayramiç Deḡiṣim at Çanakkale
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish or English Translation of Podcast: coming soon.
Profile of the initiative:
Social Networks :,
SESSION II : Mutual aid at the Heart of Commitment: in Search of Law and Justice
Issue 4 : Women’s Engagement
Language: French Translation - Day of recording: December 14th, 2020
Many thanks to Aslı Telseren who facilitated the two sessions on Women’s Engagement. Aslı Telseren is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of Doḡuṣ University (Istanbul), and Associate Researcher at the Laboratoire du Changement Social et Politique (LCSP) and the Centre d’Enseignement, de Documentation et de Recherches pour les Études Féministes (CEDREF) of the University of Paris.
Intervention of Jale Gökoḡlu from Yoḡurtçu Park Collective at Kadiköy (Istanbul)
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish or English Translation of Podcast: coming soon.
Profile of the initiative:
Social Networks:;

Intervention of Özlem Bilgili from Poltaç Cooperative at Kadiköy (Istanbul)
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish or English Translation of Podcast: coming soon.
Profile of the initiative :
Email and Social Networks : ;,,

Issue 5 : The University for Society
Language: French Translation - Day of recording: December 14th, 2020
Many thanks to Cem Özatalay who facilitated the two sessions on The University for Society; Cem Özatalay is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of Galatasaray University(GSÜ) (Istanbul).
Intervention of Nuray Türkmen from ADA Cooperative at Ankara
Podcast of the speech in French:
Turkish or English Translation of Podcast: coming soon.
Profile of the initiative:
Email and Social Networks :;;;

Intervention of Sema Bayraktar from BIRARADA Association at Istanbul
Podcast of the speech in French:
Power Point in English: Intervention of Sema Bayraktar from BIRARADA Association at Istanbul
Power Point in Turkish: İstanbul’daki BİRARADA derneğinden Sema Bayraktar’ın konuşması
Profile of the initiative:
Email and Social Networks :;;;

We also thank Kiraz Özge Aslan (Pantheon-Sorbonne University), Merve Edeer (Sabanci University) and Aybuke Tozun (Kadır Has University) for their support in the organisation and/or scientific valorisation of the colloquium.