Comité National de Liaison des Régies de Quartier (CNLRQ)
The organization of the CNLRQ is built in a democratic way and rests on various bodies: The General Assembly of the Régies de quartier, the Board of Directors (15 Régies élues), the Bureau (10 members), delegates and correspondents in the regions . These bodies take on a triple mission. Animation. Make the democratic life work within the network. Standing committees and ad hoc working groups support the implementation of the guidelines and promote the exchange, capitalization and transfer of practices between the Régies Représentation. Represent the movement with public authorities and national partners. The CNLRQ recognizes itself as a stakeholder in the insertion movement through economic activity and is a founding member of the Solidarity Economy Movement (MES). In 1992, it took the initiative of creating the European Association of District Regies (AERDQ) and developing North-South cooperation approaches. Development. Support the development, quantitative and qualitative of the national network. This supposes to support the creation of new Régies and to help existing ones to reach their objectives. Guarantors of the Régies’ collective project, the various bodies promote their ideas and practices, inside and outside the network.
A training
3 Analyses/working papers/articles
January 2022
La commande publique, levier pour l’emploi et la cohésion sociale
Mémo d’utilisation Mis à jour du nouveau code de la commande publique
L’économie soLidaire en pratiques dans Les régies de quartier et de territoire
An article
The CNLRQ reinforces its presence with the French Overseas Régies
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, March 2020
CNLRQ, March 2020