United Nations Department Economic Affairs (UNDESA)
DESA’s mission - to promote development for all - reflects a fundamental concern for equity and equality in countries large and small, developed and developing.
Within the framework of the United Nations Development Agenda, DESA works on issues ranging from poverty reduction, population, gender equality and indigenous rights to macroeconomic policy, development finance, public sector innovation, forest policy, climate change and sustainable development. The Department also supports the effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, a set of time-bound targets, which put the eradication of poverty at the centre of the global partnership for development.
Documento de análise/working paper/articulo
A Global Green New Deal for Climate, Energy, and Development
A big push strategy to ! ! Drive down the cost of renewable energy ! Ramp up deployment in developing countries ! End energy poverty ! Contribute to economic recovery and growth ! Generate employment in all countries ! and ! Help avoid dangerous climate change
December 2009