Center for the advancement of a a steady state economy (CASSE)
The mission of CASSE is to advance the steady state economy, with stabilized population and consumption, as a policy goal with widespread public support. We pursue this mission by:
* educating citizens, organizations, and policy makers on the conflict between economic growth and (1) environmental protection, (2) ecological and economic sustainability, and (3) national security and international stability;
* promoting the steady state economy as a desirable alternative to economic growth;
* studying the means to establish a steady state economy.
Document d’analyse/working paper/article
Enough is Enough Ideas for a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources
O’Neill, D.W., R. Dietz, and N. Jones (editors). 2010. The report of the Steady State Economy Conference, Leeds, UK. Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (Arlington, Virginia, USA) and Economic Justice for All (Leeds, UK).
Daniel W. O’Neill, Rob Dietz, Nigel Jones, 2010