Rede Portuguesa de Economia Solidária (REDPES)
The Portuguese Solidarity Economy Network (REDPES) aims to bring together organizations, institutions, informal groups and individuals, who are identified with the concept and practices of Solidarity Economy, which is understood as the formal or informal processes of production, exchange, consumption, distribution, income generation, savings and investment, which combine Economy with Solidarity, Ecological Perspective, Cultural Diversity, Critical Reflection, Participatory Democracy and Local Development.
RedPES comes at a crucial moment in which the various crises (economic, financial, social, environmental, political, civilizational and of knowledge) have caused innumerable sufferings and indignities (social, environmental, cultural, economic and political) and evidenced the deep weaknesses and failures of the dominant economic and political forms that are becoming threats and problems of concern for the future of Humanity and Life on the Planet and to challenge essential values such as Solidarity, Equity, Democracy and Transparency.
One video
Webinar: Feminist Economics and the Promotion of Care in our Workspaces
September 2022
RIPESS Europe,
A pedagogical tool
Policy for a safe space free of aggressions
Dezember 2022
RIPESS Europe,
2 Artikel
Building a feminist economy. Memories of our meeting in Oporto
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - July 2022
Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, Juli 2022
RIPESS Europe,
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - June 2022
Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, Juni 2022
RIPESS Europe,