Cités, Territoires, Gouvernance (CITEGO)
Our assessment
Systemic change toward sustainable societies has become an absolute necessity. Territories and cities will play a decisive role in the transition because they are in a position to organise relationships.
This new responsibility and role for territories will require indepth change in mindsets and practices, particularly with regard to territorial governance.
Such change is hindered by the barriers that separate networks and actors, by a ‘silo’ approach to professions, mindsets and public policies, by insufficient capitalisation of lessons learned from both successes and failures…
Knowledge exists but is diffuse; numerous innovations exist but they are fragmented, insufficiently connected and capitalised on, and are thus not easy to mobilise and scale up.
CITEGO’s purpose
CITEGO supports these transformations by pooling and comparing experiences from various networks, providing a conceptual framework and methods for capitalisation, and by decompartmentalising professional practices.
With its partners, CITEGO implements the ‘practices-to-practices mediation cycle’: start with a compilation of current practices, particularly innovative practices; determine lessons that can be learned, design pedagogical tools that can be used to enrich and develop current practices, contribute to the development of professional learning communities.
Grasp and manage complexity
The documentary resources on this site analyse diverse experiences to facilitate our understanding of changes currently underway in territories, in the light of territorial governance. Links between these experiences are plotted on a semantic ‘map’, the relational atlas. With the atlas, it is possible to view and name the transversal links, and thus renew approaches to governance and the economy.
The goals sought by CITEGO are an integral part of the international endeavors of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind and the work of Pierre Calame.
One case study
11 études de cas
Thomas-André Podlewski, 2014
Analysis document/working paper/article
Dossier CITEGO : L’ESS : une opportunité pour repenser la coopération et la transversalité ?
Quels sont les enjeux et les obstacles à la mise en place d’une articulation entre échelons territoriaux et entre politiques sectorielles autour de l’ESS ? 4 études de cas
Anne-Laure Federici, Catalina Duque Gómez, October 2017