Participatory Sustainable Waste Management (PSWM)
Welcome to the Participatory Sustainable Waste Management (PSWM) website, a knowledge-hub for innovative projects dedicated to more sustainable lifestyles suited to the needs and wants of current and future generations. PSWM presents a viable option to make better use of the world’s resources. This website has grown from its original purpose as an illustration of the benefits of the PSWM project in Brazil. As PSWM initiatives become more important in contemporary society, so too the number of projects proliferates. This website presents information on particpatory projects that have evolved from partnerships between the University of Victoria’s Community-Based Research Lab, other research institutes, and communities. - See more at:
What does Participatory Sustainable Waste Management mean?
Participatory waste management puts people in control of their urban environment. People need to make their own choices about how to develop a sustainable way of living that suits their needs. To achieve this, the PSWM project focuses on the following aspects.
Um estudo de caso
United We Can: Resource recovery, place and social enterprise
Elsevier. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 422–428
Crystal Tremblay, Jutta Gutberlet, 2010
Documento de análise/working paper/articulo
Community Development Journal Advance Access published October 19, 2010
Crystal Tremblay, October 2010