INAISE International Association of Investors in the Social Economy
INAISE (the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy) is a global network of socially and environmentally oriented financial institutions. reated in 1989, INAISE has grown rapidly as the movement of social investors gained importance, volume and visibility in a number of European and non-European countries.
Making sense with money
Through INAISE, social investors from all over the world have been joining forces to exchange experience, disseminate information and show that money can actually used to achieve positive social and environmental change.
4 Video
Webinario: de Inaise La nueva economía y la nueva pobreza: Como enfrentarlas?
giugno 2022
maggio 2016
maggio 2016
maggio 2016
Un studio di caso
Upscaling social investment. 50 case studies
Areas of relevance to developing and upscaling social investment in Europe and draw on international experiences relevant to the European situation.
avril 2000
2 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
Inaise, Asociacion Internacional de Inversionistas en la Economia Social. Una presentacion.
Encuentro Inaise 2015, 11-13 de mayo 2015, Lima, Peru
Dominique Lesaffre, maggio 2015
Finance for local development: New solutions for public-private action
This handbook, one of the outcomes of a project “Getting the Framework Right: Public Support Strategies and Measures for Local and Micro-finance” shows good practice internationally in public support for local and micro-finance; and how to develop and implement policy instruments to give effective support to local and micro-finance in one’s own territory.
Una carta/manifesto
luglio 2016
RIPESS Intercontinental,
Un intervento pubblico
12 measures for a socially useful financial system
Four international Social Finance and Community Development Federations put out a call to G-20 Governments
settembre 2009