European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse)
Euricse (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises) is a research centre designed to promote knowledge development and innovation for the field of cooperatives, social enterprises, commons and nonprofit organizations. Specifically, Euricse focuses on all forms of private organizations and enterprises that pursue purposes other than profit, are characterized by participatory management models, and adopt a development approach that blends social and economic well being.
Euricse combines multidisciplinary research, training, and consulting services, in order not only to develop better knowledge on this kind of enterprises, but also to create and promote ownership, governance and management models uniquely tailored to their characteristics.
Euricse is a haven for study and reflection that fosters dialogue between researchers and practitioners and encourages their active and direct participation. Euricse is committed to the practical application of the knowledge developed through its research. Moreover, its activities aim to reduce the fragmentation in the research on cooperative and social enterprises, and to enhance the visibility of this sector in the scientific and political debate.
Euricse was founded in 2008 by Cooperatives Europe, the Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione (Trentino Federation of Cooperatives), the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (Trento and Rovereto Bank Foundation), the Province of Trento and the University of Trento. While Euricse is rooted in the Italian region of Trentino and is closely connected to the organizations that operate there, its activities address issues of national and international interest, and its approach favours openness and collaboration with other research centres, both domestically and internationally.
Une proposition
Social Economy Europe
mars 2021
Euricse, Social Economy Europe
5 Documents d’analyse/working papers/articles
Rivista Impresa Sociale Numero 1 - 2022
AA.VV., mars 2022
Reti tra imprese per l’Inserimento Lavorativo Applicabilità e potenzialità del contratto di rete
Research report Euricse
Dir. Carlo Borzaga, juillet 2021
La pratica della mutualità nel credito cooperativo trentino
Rapporti de Euricse
Carlo Borzaga, Stefania Turri, 2021
L’economia sociale in Italia. Dimensioni, caratteristiche e settori chiave
Pubblicazione Euricse
A cura di Carlo Borzaga, Manlio Calzaroni, Eddi Fontanari, Massimo Lori, 2021
Euricse Working Papers, N.021 | 11
Gianluca Salvatori, 2011