Banca Etica
The idea behind Banca Etica consists in creating a place where savers, driven by the common desire of a more transparent and responsible management of financial resources, may meet socio-economic initiatives, inspired by the values of a sustainable social and human development.
The bank manages savings raised from private citizens, as singles or families, organisations, companies and institutions in general, and invests them in initiatives pursuing both social and economic objectives, operating in full respect of human dignity and the environment.
In such context Banca Etica sets out to educate both savers and borrowers by enhancing the awareness of the formers about their saving’s destination, and encouraging the latter to develop their management and entrepreneurial abilities.
Banca Etica does not set out to reject the basic rules of finance, but it rather seeks to reform its main values.
One video
Miniserie : Banca Etica | Cari Vecchi Soldi
Oktober 2018
Banca Etica
A pedagogical tool
September 2018
Banca Etica
One case study
Le rôle de la Banca Popolare Etica, Italie
Parallèlement à la dynamique du Pôle socio économie solidaire et du chantier Finance Solidaire, un groupe de travail (FPH, CIDR, Intercoopération suisse, IRAM, FINANSOL) s’est réuni régulièrement, depuis mars 2000, pour réfléchir sur les rapports entre finance solidaire et liens sociaux.
Fabio Salviato, November 2002
Banca Etica
3 Analyses/working papers/articles
Lucia Schiona, Carlo Milani, Dezember 2020
Banca Etica
Ethical and sustainable finance in Europe. Second report
Matteo Cavallito, Pascal Lokiec, Mauro Meggiolaro, 2019
Banca Etica
23 Vantaggi competitivi. Come l’etica può rendere migliore una banca.
A cura di, Dezember 2013
Banca Etica
One public contribution
Methode VARI d’évaluation de projets sociétaux
Questionnaire d’évaluation Socio-Environnementale (VARI: Valori Requisiti Indicatori) élaboré et utilisé par la Banca Etica dans l’évaluation des entreprises sociales.
August 2002
Banca Etica