women enterprises
14 publications
Social Reproduction, Solidarity Economy, Feminisms and Democracy. Latin America and India.
Edited by Christine Verschuur, Isabelle Guérin, Isabelle Hillenkamp, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
in People-Centered Social Innovation Global Perspectives on an Emerging Paradigm
Linda Lundgaard Andersen, Swati Banerjee, Routledge, 2019
STIR Issue 21, Spring 2018 - Community Organising: Back to its roots
Stir to Action, April 2018
Social and Solidarity Economy. Beyond the Fringe.
Peter Utting, ZED books UK, April 2015
Co-operatives and Workers in the Informal Economy: Possibilities and Challenges
Co-operative College, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing - Wiego, January 2014
Martha Lanza, March 2012
Trading Our Way Up - The story of a women’s economic empowerment project in fair trade
Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing - Wiego, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing - Wiego, 2012
Globalization and Third World Women. Exploitation, Coping, and Resistance.
Edited by Ligaya Lindio-McGovern, Isidor Wallimann, Syracuse University Press, New York, United States, 2012
Ethics and the Market. Insights from Social Economics
Betsy Jane Clary, Wilfred Dolfsma, Figart Deborah M., Routledge, London and New York, November 2011
in Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economics Volume 1000 of the series International Studies in Entrepreneurship pp 211-224
Marie-Claire Malo, Inmaculada Buendía-Martínez, Martine Vézina, Springer link, October 2011
Capabilities, Power, and Institutions Toward a More Critical Development Ethics
Edited by Stephen L. Esquith, Fred Gifford, Penn State University Press, USA, May 2010
Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice : Women write political ecology
Ariel Salleh (ed.), London & New York : Pluto Press, 2009
Doing Community Economic Development
John Loxley, Kathleen Sexsmith, Jim Silver, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., 2007
Women and Food Sovereignty Kit
Judy M. Taguiwalo, Azra Talat Sayeed, Mary Joan A. Guan, Gilbert Sape, Judy A.P. Pasimio, 2005
A thesis
Multispecies Ecofeminism:. Ecofeminist Flourishing of the Twenty-First Century.
MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, Canada
Chelsea Power, 2016
14 Videos
Audio : The Great Gender Digital Divide
In Solidarity. SEWA Cooperative Federation
August 2022
Women from the Ripess Europe Network: meet Josette Combes
March 2021
Women from the Ripess Europe Network: meet Soana Tortora
March 2021
Women from the Ripess Europe network : meet Judith Hitchman
March 2021
Ideas Factory: Baba Residences in Bulgaria - interview of Yanina Taneva
Video of RIPESS Europe member
November 2020
Reema Nanavaty, General Secretary of the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy? International Conference , UNTFSSE, 25 – 26 June 2019
June 2019
Decent Work in the Care Economy
May 2016
Women’s Day by International Co-operative Alliance
March 2016
The Iban Weavers of Rumah Gare, a community engagement project
December 2015
Basic Income Pilot Project in India
August 2014
Agenda Plus: India, Taxis, and Women’s Safety
February 2014
Creative Handicrafts - Making The World A Less Unequal Place
November 2011
TED, 2011
October 2011
Women at the Heart of the Social and Solidarity Economy
International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy (FIESS)
Marino Arseno, October 2011
3 pedagogical tools
Diagramme : Segmentation of Informal Employment : the Pyramid of Risk
ILO Publication
July 2011
Leadership training manual for women leaders of cooperatives
ILO Publication
October 2005
35 case studies
WATER FOR ROJAVA 2022 Delegation report
May 2023
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
Bulletin Ripess Intercontinental- Mars 2021
March 2021
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
Interview with Josephine Olive Parilla, a leader-preneur for SSE
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
“Women are the source of all development” Interview with Jeanne d’Arc Ballo
Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter - March 2021
March 2021
Weiberwirtschaft, a cooperative of women for the setting up of women’s businesses in Berlin
Article of RIPESS Europe NL, november 2020
Günther Lorenz, November 2020
KOKOworld, Poland – an ethical brand for women created by a woman
Article of RIPESS Europe NL, november 2020
Rozalia Wiśniowska,, November 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] WISHALL Women In Self Help Action in Lords Love
May 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Institute’s for Women Empowerment. Reclaiming the « I », redefining the « We »
May 2020
May 2020
Good Practice: Enhancing Food Security, Nutrition and Poverty Reduction through Self Help Groups
de Futuro del Trabajo: Buenas Prácticas de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSST) en Economía Social y Solidaria
Siddique Lubna, October 2019
Promoting Gender Equality for Decent Employment in Pakistan to achieve Decent Work Country Program
de Futuro del Trabajo: Buenas Prácticas de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSST) en Economía Social y Solidaria
Akhlaq Hussain, October 2019
Asia Pacific People forum for Sustainable Development (APPFSD) , March 24 to 26, 2019 Bangkok, ASEC: workshop « Grassroots communities empowering themselves »
Prayatna Samiti, March 2019
PENGON-FOE Palestine: Empowering Women as Sustainable Energy Leaders project
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
PENGON-FOE Palestine, 2019
Summary report - Advancing cooperation among women workers in the informal economy: The SEWA way
June 2018
Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 - Cooperative contributions to SDG 5
ILO Briefs
March 2018
Kudumbashree Collective Farming and related initiatives
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
Society for Knowledge Commons, 2018
Cherán K’eri: To defend the territory is to defend the life that is found there
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
Radio Fogata Cherán (indigenous community of Cherán, Michoacán), 2018
Producing and Reducing Gender Inequality in A Worker-Recovered Cooperative
The Sociological Quarterly, Vol 17, issue 1, Winter 2016
Katherine Sobering, September 2015
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Poonsap S. Tulaphan, October 2013
Katosi Women’s Development Trust in Uganda: When women take a hand in their own development
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #95
Alina Darmadi, Judith Hitchman, February 2013
Microcredit and the Discourse of Empowerment: A Case Study in Jinotega, Nicaragua
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, 26(1)
Kristen Norman,, 2013
The Deccan Development Society in India
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #94
Judith Hitchman, Martine Theveniaut, December 2012
Collective Bargaining and Domestic Workers in Uruguay
Mary R. Goldsmith, December 2012
Indian Sector for Self-Employed Women, December 2012
Eléonore Dupré, November 2012
Microfinance and Small Farmers in India
July 2009
A cooperative in India: the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
Rajni Bakshi, September 2008
ASSEFA : 35 Years of Service to Rural Communities of India
A holistic approach to community development
Yvon Poirier, October 2004
Interview of Sheelu Francis, Tamil Nadu Women’s Collective, Tamil Nadu – India
Sheelu Francis is an outstanding leader of the 60 thousand-strong women’s collective, active in the whole state of Tamil Nadu, Southern India. Sheelu is also the international spokesperson for the Collective, speaking about the impacts of international trade, debt and activities of transnational corporations on local development, on food security and sovereignty.
Marcos Arruda, February 2004
Kashf Foundation: Towards the Economic Empowerment of Women
This document presents the foundation and gives a progress report of its financial activities between 2000 and 2002.
June 2002
Women in the Ratnagiri Cooperative in Maharashtra, India
Nalini NAYAK, A. VIJAYAN, September 2001
Malpe Fisherwomen’s Cooperative Society in Karnataka
M. Gracy, September 2001
50 Analyses/working papers/articles
The Historical Role of the Women of La Via Campesina in the Current Crisis
January 2023
Local economy: Views from Madurai grassroots conversations
Denison Jayasooria, January 2020
Wind energy: A gender perspective
IRENA report
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 2020
Sustainable societies, (feminist) economic imageries and different rationalities
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, June 2019
The social and solidarity economy in the age of decent work
CETRI, SOLIDAR and SOLSOC Belgium, June 2019
Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective
Report IRENA
International Renewable Energy Agency, January 2019
When the domestic is also political: redistribution by women from the South. A feminist approach
3°EMES-Polanyi International Seminar: Welfaire societies n transition, Roskilde, April 2018
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, April 2018
Cooperatives meeting informal economy workers’ child care needs - A Joint ILO and WIEGO Initiative
International Labour Organization and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing 2018
April 2018
Praia, Cabo Verde, from 17th - 20th October, for the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development (LED).
Edited by Anita Amorim, Hassan Jaber, October 2017
ILO Publication
March 2017
Women’s cooperatives : a glimpse into Rojava economic model
Hawzhin Azeez, January 2017
Women’s Empowerment in Rural Community-Driven Development Projects
World Bank Group, 2017
2nd EMES International Seminar
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, 2016
Mapping Women’s Social Entrepreneurship in Europe.Synthesis Report.
WEstart Emily Usher Shrair, September 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Beyond the Fringe? Introductory chapter
Peter Utting, April 2015
Advancing gender equality: The co-operative way
International Labour Office, Enterprises Department. - Geneva: ILO, 2015
Gender In/equality in Worker-owned Businesses
Sociology Compass Volume 8, Issue 11,
Katherine Sobering, Jessica Thomas, Christine L. Williams, October 2014
Social and Solidarity Economy and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
A Position Paper by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE)
United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE), July 2014
Ecological Economics, 2014, vol. 102, issue C, pages 60-68
Christine Bauhardt, 2014
Where are the women? Empowerment and female participation in social and solidarity economy.
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy University of Antwerp, 24-26 October 2013
Vanessa Pereira Simon, Gustavo Matarazzo Rezende, Sérgio Luís Boeira, October 2013
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quaterly, XX, p. 1-28, 2013.
Joseph Lanfranchi, Matthieu Narcy, September 2013
Fair enough? Fair Trade and the quality of life amongst Bolivia’s indigenous women artisans
Development in Practice Volume 23, Issue 3, May 2013, pages 389-401
Tamara Stenn, May 2013
Social and Solidarity Economy: A Pathway to Socially Sustainable Development?
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Peter Utting, May 2013
Let’s “Do-It-Ourselves”: Building a Participatory Economy in South Asia
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Bryn Gay, Chatrini Weeratunge, May 2013
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Tonia Warneke, May 2013
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo, May 2013
Beyond the Business Case: A Community Economies Approach to Gender, Development and Social Economy
Stephen Healy, 2013
in Text and Talk 32(3):329-348
Esperanza Morales-López, May 2012
Julie Matthaei, March 2012
Tianguis Indigena: The solidarity economy and indigenous women in Mexico
Development, 2012, vol. 55, issue 3, pages 393-396
Tzinnia Carranza López, 2012
This is a compilation of the Women’s Major Group Rio+20 position statements based on input from the March 2011 Women’s Major Group Position Paper, women’s statements presented at the Bonn UNDPI conference, the UNEP global Rio+20 consultation in Bonn and the Regional Rio+20 preparatory meetings in Santiago de Chile, Seoul, Cairo and Addis Ababa. This is a working document in continued progress. A globally developed summary of this document has been submitted as the Women’s Major Group submission for the zero-‐draft document for Rio+20. This compilation document is an annex.
November 2011
Economic Alternatives for Gender and Social Justice: Voices and Vision from Latin America
Luisa Antolin, Bénédicte Allaert, Martina Nuti, August 2011
Jobs, Workers Rights and Climate Change
Yahya Msangi, 2011
Gender, Poverty and Environmental Indicators on African Countries
2011 Volume 12
Green New Deal —or Globalisation Lite?
Ariel Salleh, May 2010
In search of economic alternatives for gender and social justice: Voices from India
Christa WICHTERICH et all., 2010
African NGO’s and Womanism: Microcredit and Self-Help
Journal of African American Studies 2010, 14:171-180
Jane Duran, 2010
The Global Household: Toward a Feminist Postcapitalist International Political Economy
Signs, Vol. 36, No. 1, Feminists Theorize International Political Economy Special Issue Editors Shirin M. Rai and Kate Bedford (Autumn 2010), pp. 99-125; The University of Chicago Press
Maliha Safri, Benjamin Chapas, 2010
Report of High-level Roundtable. How a Changing Climate Impacts Women
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations
September 2007
Women and economy : the challenges - between resistance and social justice
Concept paper written for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21,2005)
Isabelle Guérin, September 2005
Equal opportunity for women and men in European enterprises
Equal opportunity for women and men and the question of reconciling professional and family life constitute an important aspect of a company’s social sustainability. Three member organisations of a European network of responsible shareholders launched a campaign to contact companies they hold shares in for a status report concerning equality between women and men.
April 2004
Sustainability and Meta-Industrial Labour: Building a Synergistic Politics
Ariel Salleh, March 2004
Promoting rural women’s cooperative businesses in Thailand. A training kit. Part 1.
RAP publication 2004/01
Smita Premchander, V. Prameela, Wim Polman, January 2004
A New Way of Seeing Things: Women’s Proposals for a More Equitable Society in Greater Solidarity
Women’s entry into public life has been a major event in history. It has caused an upheaval in dominant mindsets and highlighted a number of contradictions that are inherent to the organization of the social order. Women recommend that the dominant values of the patriarchal system be fundamentally questioned and condemned for their responsibility in excluding a greater part of humankind, in establishing the domination of the strong, and in the destruction of our planet.
Nadia Leïla Aïssaoui, November 2003
In this text, the author analyses subjects such as women, gender and feminism; visibility of practices; current importance of the debate between feminism and the solidarity-based economy; limits, problems and challenges. Mirian Noble concludes: « The Solidarity-Based Economy is an ideal terrain for exercising new practices and fostering experiences based on equality and autonomy for women. »
Miriam Nobre, October 2003
Proposals Paper for the Twenty-first Century: Women and the Economy
This Proposals Paper summarizes the work of the Women and the Economy workshop, in which more than 50 people took part via an electronic forum, and two meetings, one in Paris between October 9 and 11, 2000, and the other in Havana between April 9 and 11 2001.
Josée Belleau, Cécile Sabourin, November 2001
The paper presents the theoretical foundations as well as the theoretical contributions of Feminist Ecological Economics. In addition, it provides some applications of Feminist Ecological Economics and discusses future trends and perspectives.
Ellie Perkins, November 2001
Engendering International Trade - Gender equality in a global world
Text on the gender aspects of international trade and globalisation in general, and the positive and negative gains made by women.
Sonia Ruiz Garcia, November 2000
Sustainable Trade: Women’s work?
The paper discusses the relationship between sustainability of communities and the contribution of women’s work to it.
Ellie Perkins, January 1998
Promoting rural women’s cooperative businesses in Thailand. A training kit. Part 2.
RAP publication 2004/01
Smita Premchander, V. Prameela, Wim Polman, 01:2004
2 Charter/Manifesto
Cooperatives Europe : Gender Equality, Charter of Commitments
October 2020
Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) with a Gender Perspective
Declaration approved by the 5th International Meeting of Social Solidarity Economy, Manila, October 18, 2013
October 2013
12 public contributions
The cross-fertilisation between feminism and the solidarity economy
RIPESS Eu Scientific Committee – International webinar on Solidarity economy
Jean-Louis Laville, March 2021
RIPESS Eu Scientific Committee – International webinar on Solidarity economy
Isabelle Hillenkamp, March 2021
[ASEC SSE Academy] Youth Issues in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
June 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Towards SSE with women in Informal Economy for Sustainability
Laila Azhar Ume, June 2020
Abdus Salam Shah, June 2020
[ASEC SSE Academy] Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti Promoting Complementary Health Care Practices through SSE
June 2020
Engendering SSE in the Context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (presentation)
Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo, November 2019
Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo, April 2019
Panel “Democratically owned enterprises: a road towards international solidarity?” (3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar)
Luciane Lucas Dos Santos, 2017
Japan’s Lost Decades and a Women-led Socio-Solidarity Economy
Contribution to Asian Solidarity Economy Forum 2009
Yoko Kitazawa, April 2009
The Women and Solidarity Economics Hyderabad Seminar
Final report of the Women and Solidarity Economics seminar co-hosted by the Center for World Solidarity (Secunderabad, India) and the Women and Economy Workshop, Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World. The seminar took place in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India from January 9-11 2004.
Josée Belleau, January 2004
Economy of solidarity and women
Reflections of the author on how to take into account women experiences of the economy in solidarity.
Cécile Sabourin, November 2000
17 articles
Podcast (in spanish)_ Interview with Ernestina in Dakar: Afro-Peruvian leader and care worker.
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, June 2023
Andrea Echeverría, June 2023
Women’s resistance to the war in Ukraine
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, March 2023
ATTAC France, March 2023
New Basque Equality Law: implications for the 3rd social sector
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, october 2022
REAS Euskadi, October 2022
Social Solidarity Economy shall be feminist or it won’t be
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - March 2022
March 2022
Women in the SSE: Competence profile report
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - March 2021
REAS, Red de Redes, March 2021
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - March 2021
Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, Sofia Pereira, March 2021
The Economist Placing Value on Black Women’s Overlooked Work
Article of the New York Times, February 5, 2021
February 2021
Rojava : An Overview of AANES Women’s Institutions in Manbij
Article of Mesopotamia coop, August 2020
August 2020
The Women Who Welcomed Immigrants
Article of Yes! Magazine, 27 mars 2020
Kate Schatz, March 2020
First of its kind refugee-owned sewing group launches in Chicago
Article of 90 days 90 voices January 25, 2019
January 2019
4963, November 2018
Kobane • Cooperatives as a tool for women’s empowerment
Article of Kedistan, 8 May 2018
May 2018
When Indian women negotiate with local authorities to improve their lives in a slum
Article de The Conversation, 22/03/2018
Kanupriya Kothiwal, Shrey Goel, March 2018
Coops in the Kurdish Movement, an Emancipation Tool for Women
Aricle of Kedistan, Nov 8, 2017
November 2017
Municipalism and the Feminization of Politics
Issue #6 Roar Magazine Oct 2017
Laura Roth, Kate Shea Baird, October 2017
Solidarity Economy Part III : Key Rights Underlying the Solidarity Economy in Brazil
Article RIOONWATCH Jan 28, 2017
Patrice LOVESSE, January 2017
Solidarity Economy Part II: Female Protagonists
Article RIOONWATCH Nov 7, 2016
Anna Cash, November 2016
An organization RIPESS & SDGs
A cooperative of women to promote women"s businesses in Berlin
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
RIPESS Europe,
RIPESS Intercontinental
2 RIPESS Initiatives & Covid
Training and capacity building for women and girls in vulnerable situations - Bamako, Mali.
Association ORFED – Mali, January 2022
Strengthens informal business in the amid of covid pandemic (Thailand)
HomeNet Thailand Brand, January 2022
Web sites :
- Foro hacia otra economia
- Association for Women’s rights development (AWID)
- Ariel Salleh.info
- REMTE - Red Boliviana de Mujeres Transformando la Economia
- Movimiento de Economia Social y Solidaria del Ecuador - MESSE
- Asociacion Lola Mora Argentina
- Programa Mercosur Social y Solidario
- ExpertESS
- Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing - Wiego
- Pedagogía de los cuidados