Power to the people: Delivering energy justice through community energy
Right to Energy Forum 2022, January 24 to 28, 2022
January 2022

The video : 1:32:16
Across Europe, citizens are working together to create an energy system that puts people and planet first. Not just as passive consumers, but as change-makers and active participants.
Community energy initiatives can be an important step towards a just and inclusive energy transition. This interactive session showcased first-hand experiences of energy solidarity collectives.
Speakers in this session:
Miriam Eisermann - Energy Cities
Chris Vrettos - Electra Energy Cooperative
Kevin Chaplais - Les Amis d’Enercoop, (CEES)
Paula Damaška - Green Energy Cooperative, (CEES)
Lucie Middlemiss - University of Leeds, WELLBASED
Noemi Garcia Lepetit - Las Naves Valencia, WELLBASED and POWER UP
Heleen Schockaert - REScoop.eu, European is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, (CEES)
Dimitris Tsekeris - Friends of the Earth Europe
Marilyn Smith - The ENERGY ACTION Project (En-Act), (CEES)
26 January 2022