GSEF2018 Bilbao - Opening Session
setembro 2018

The video : 58min10
Opening Ceremony of the Global Social Economy Forum 2018 celebrated in Bilbao Interventions: • Ms. Ulla Engelmann. Head of Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy Unit. European Commission • Ms. Magdalena Valerio. Minister of Labour, Migrations and Social Security. Spanish Government • Mr. Iñigo Urkullu. President of the Basque Government • Mr. Juan Mari Aburto. Mayor of Bilbao • Mr. Juan Antonio Pedreño. President of Social Economy Europe and CEPES • Ms. Rosa Lavin, President of EGES and Konfekoop • Mr. Won Soon Park. Mayor of Seoul and Co-chairman of GSEF • Mr. Kyong Yong Song. Co-chairman of GSEF