Analyse comparative des lois-cadres sur l’économie sociale et solidaire : les cas de la France, de la Grèce, du Portugal et de l’Espagne
Sofia ADAM, Ifigeneia Douvitsa, 2022
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Résumé :
Comparative analysis of framework laws on the social and solidarity economy: The cases of France, Greece, Portugal and Spain The decade of the crisis has seen a proliferation of framework laws on the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in many European countries. The authors of this article analyse the framework laws in France, Greece, Spain and Portugal according to their European orientation, the proximity of legal traditions and the linguistic accessibility of the original texts. This approach allows to explore the critical debates related to the design and implementation of effective public policies for the development of the SSE.
Sources :
Adam, S. and Douvitsa, I. (2022) Analyse comparative des lois-cadres sur l’économie sociale et solidaire : les cas de la France, de la Grèce, du Portugal et de l’Espagne. RECMA, 366, 85 101.