Rethinking and regenerating our economies | RIPESS Europe’s 13th General Assembly

Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, February 2024

Ruby Van der Wekken, Jason Nardi, julho 2024

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RIPESS Europe’s 13th General Assembly meeting took place in Geneva between 13-15th June 2024, amidst the 20 years celebrations of local host member Après Geneva and 15 years anniversary of Après Vaud. During the assembly days, representatives from member networks and organisations, as well as different additional ‘visiting’ (local) actors crossed paths.

A first hand encounter with several of Geneva’s local SSE initiatives set the basis for the discussions over three days, which took place during a stimulating flow of visits, presentations, collective reflecting moments, public panels, world café tables and the general assembly itself. During these diverse moments, and starting from the significance of the 2023 UN’s resolution on SSE, the topics of the rethinking and rebuilding of economics and SSE enabling social policy were explored.

As a network of networks, RIPESS also took concrete further steps with regards to the re-envisioning of RIPESS Europe’s governance structure (towards a more sociocratic practice) and with regards to the development of our Knowledge Commons, sharing tools, competences and methodologies, and developing further our IT platforms, such as the SSE online library,

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