ASEC resolves to enhance a learning journey among SSE partners in Asia
Denison Jayasooria, June 2020
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The ASEC regional members meeting was held yesterday June 5, 2020 virtually between 4pm and 6pm Malaysian time, where 27 members from 13 Asian countries joined the virtual meeting to review the ASEC plans for June 2020 and May 2021.
We resolved collectively on fostering a learning journey in Asia through the ASEC SSE Academy. We have already collected 14 SSE case studies from six countries and would continue this process at an Asian level for the next two weeks (Jun 11 and 19, 2020) to draw more examples from more Asian countries using our five dimensions of SSE. This is about sharing our experiences and drawing lessons from both our success and also how local communities are addressing their challenges and failures. We have documented the earlier sharing here (
We recited an ASEC SSE pledge prepared by Dr Ben Quinones for a common understanding and position on SSE in Asia with a key commitment to the triple bottom line (people, profits & planet), edifying values and collective governance structure which enhances democratic participation, accountability and meaningful engagement.
We agreed to organise at national and sub regional levels further sharing, learning and collaboration. We secured a firm commitment from Philippines to host an SSE academy at the national level. Representatives from Malaysia, Indonesia and South Thailand proposed to undertake SSE academy in the Malaya language reaching the Nusantara regions. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh indicated that they would explore possibilities of undertaking such an exercise. Sri Lanka indicated in developing a program on engaging with private sector on SSE and CSR.
We also discussed on formulating a SSE curriculum for SSE practisers and another for private sector CSR to adopt an SSE community approach in addressing poverty, inequality and sustainability concerns. We jointly agreed to support the ASSEFA – SSE training centre in Madurai, Tamilnadu in the post COVID-19 context by providing the content and trainers for face to face training in SSE where there is a physical campus and opportunity for field visits and study of ASSEFA community projects.
We reviewed ASEC’s global partnership in SSE with RIPESS and agreed to host at both the regional and national levels special virtual conversations on transformative economy as ASEC input to the World Social Forum on Transformative Economy. We agreed to host a virtual workshop on this theme on June 26, 2020 with Dr Eri Trinurini Adhi.
We were encouraged by the interest, commitment and enthusiasm of the ASEC partners in Asia. The members who participated yesterday (June 5, 2020) were from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Laos, Japan and Hong Kong, China. Absent were from Afghanistan, Mainland China, South Korea and Cambodia as there are 17 Asian countries currently.
A brief update by ASEC Chair Prof Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria (June 6, 2020)