Integration of thread and trees makes a strong women’s enterprise: towards solidarity economy development

Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.

Poonsap S. Tulaphan, Oktober 2013

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Summary :

In 1985, the Appropriate Technology Association (ATA), an NGO promoting participatory technology development, came to support those who were then developing hand woven products with natural dyes. Their products are made from silk and hand spun cotton thread woven with hand loom. They use many kinds of plants and trees in the surrounding area as dye sources. After a few years of experimenting on which parts of trees, bark, wood, leaves or fruits could give beautiful and fast dyed color, these weavers could produce quality products with new design and were able to market in the city. They are quite proud of their handicraft products produced from chemical -free materials and with artisanal skill.

Sources :

Ripess website