Generic measures to promote the development of SSE
Like private businesses, social and solidarity enterprises need access to adequate markets, to research and development as well as to resources that help them implement effective management practices. However, the policies and programs put in place for the private sector must often be adapted to meet the needs of social and solidarity economy. Tools specifically designed for social and solidarity economy enterprises allows all companies to operate on the same footing, while recognizing the unique characteristics of these organizations and, more importantly, their contribution to the achievement of social, environmental or cultural objectives which would require, without this contribution, much more expensive forms of investment from the government. In this sense, policies and programs for social and solidarity economy enterprises are not unfair competition for the lucrative private property sector. Instead, they give social and solidarity enterprises the means to be competitive on the market without compromising their social or environmental objectives. In many cases, when the social and solidarity economy enterprises have carved a place in the market and become profitable, long-term government support is no longer needed.
Another important dimension of generic development tools includes provisions to support applied research, research partnerships and research focused on the needs of practitioners. Given the innovation component that is inherent in the social and solidarity economy, ongoing research, including research initiatives led by social and solidarity economy organizations can highlight, disseminate, facilitate the adoption and evaluate new and effective practices in the field of the social and solidarity economy.
4 publications
Well-being and Growth in Advanced Economies The Need to Prioritise Human Development
Maurizio Pugno, Routledge, UK, July 2022
How Government Support for Social Enterprise Can Reduce Poverty and Green House Gases
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba
Lynne Fernandez, Errol Black Chair, Canada, January 2016
Innovation and the Social Economy: The Quebec Experience
Edited by Marie J. Bouchard, University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Canada., 2013
Ash Amin, Angus Cameron, Ray Hudson, Routledge, London, UK, May 2002
9 Videos
La ESS en el contexto Europeo : Elementos Clave para una Agenda Transformadora
December 2024
The Imaginal Cells of the Solidarity Economy: Politics and Policy
Webinar series
September 2023
Intercontinental Webinar: Towards the strengthening of SSE ecosystems at all levels
Video from Ripess Intercontinental Newsletter- March 2022
March 2022
UNRISD’s Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy by Nunchi
February 2021
GSEF2018 Bilbao - Opening Session
September 2018
3 minutes, 3 messages: Realizing Care Policies’ Transformative Potential
August 2017
Challenging a Rigged Market: Policy Tools That Enable Local Businesses to Thrive
August 2016
3 minutes, 3 messages: Public Policies for SSE
#30: Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF)
December 2015
A pedagogical tool
Advocacy for Community Supported Agriculture:A Guide for Advocates
Booklet by UrgencI
3 proposals
RIPESS EU - Contribution to the European’s commission Social Economy Action Plan
May 2021
Social Economy Europe
March 2021
Social Economy Europe, September 2015
17 case studies
Les politiques de l’ESS : une approche comparée : Le Maroc
Chaire TerrESS et GSEF
par Juliette Garine-Wichatitsky, Lého De Bohan, Léa El Zein, Anna Giraud, March 2023
International Labour Organization (ILO) Publication
Dr. Akram Belhaj Rhouma, March 2020
Revista Papers N.49 –
Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona1
THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY IN OHIO LOOKS LIKE! Ohio’s democratic/self-determination “infrastructure”
American Friends Service Committee Northeast Ohio Office, January 2017
Turin ILO/ International Labour/ITC
Hyuck-Jin Choi, Jeong-Yeop Kim, Jae-min Jung, 2017
Public policies for Social and Solidarity Economy. Assessing progress in seven countries.
ILO/ International Labour Of ce. - Geneva: ILO
Peter Utting, 2017
How Government Support for Social Enterprise Can Reduce Poverty and Green House Gases
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba
Lynne Fernandez, January 2016
Status of Social Economy Development in Seoul A Case Study of Seoul
Yeon Ah KIM, JUNG Taein, 2016
Kim YoungSik, 2015
Seoul: A Global Plan to Support the SSE
Brief RELIESS n°13
April 2014
Republic of Bulgaria Council of Ministers
Brief Reliess n°8
March 2013
Local development and the social economy in rural Quebec
Brief Reliess n°5
October 2012
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Sarah Amyot, May 2010
The Montréal Social Economy Plan
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, May 2010
Co-operative Development Initiative
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, May 2010
30 Analyses/working papers/articles
Measuring What Matters Australia’s First Wellbeing Framework
Australian Government
Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
December 2021
ILO and Research EQ. 2021
AA.VV., November 2021
Exploring SSE and its initiatives among european members
Consultancy project 2021 for the Labo de l’ESS
Prepared by Léna Mamalis, Clara Schouler, Jeanne Parmentier, Charlène Castagna, Juliette Vazzoler, August 2021
Guidelines for Local Governments on Policies for Social and Solidarity Economy
Publication UNRISD
Hamish Jenkins, Yi Ilcheong, Samuel Brülisauer, Kameni Chaddah, January 2021
(UKM Ethnic Studies Paper Series No. 63
Denison Jayasooria, February 2020
National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022
Government of Ireland
July 2019
The Future of EU policies for the Social Economy: Towards a European Action Plan
November 2018
Best practices in public policies regarding the European Social Economy post the economic crisis
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Rafael Chaves Ávila, José Luis Monzón Campos, June 2018
Yvon Poirier, Françoise Wautiez, Béatrice Alain, January 2018
Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu, Noah Gollub, Doudou Sidibe, November 2017
Laura Aufrère, December 2016
European Commission
October 2016
(UNRISD Flagship Report 2016).
AA.VV., October 2016
Mainstreaming Social and Solidarity Economy: Opportunities and Risks for Policy Change
A Background Paper
Peter Utting, 2016
Municipalities and Social Economy. Lessons from Portugal
Working paper CIRIEC N° 2015/14
João Salazar LEITE, May 2015
City of Bologna, Italy
City of Bologna, December 2014
Social Economy Conference, EU, Rome, November 17-18, 2014
November 2014
BRAINPOoL deliverable 3.1, A collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 programme (Contract no. 283024). nef (the new economics foundation),
Charles Seaford, November 2013
To support the development of cooperatives in the territory of Quebec, The CDR Brief
Brief Reliess n°7
March 2013
Quebec Governement
Review report on Beyond GDP indicators: categorisation, intensions and impacts.
Final version of BRAINPOoL deliverable 1.1, A collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 programme (Contract no. 283024). CUEC Prague
Tomáš Hák, Svatava Janoušková, Charles Seaford, Saamah Abdallah, Sorcha Mahony, October 2012
Rio+20: Progress o procrastination?
Judith Hitchman, Martine Theveniaut, July 2012
Fair trade in public procurement in the EU
Library Briefing. Library of the European Parliament 17/07/2012
Laurence Amand-Eeckhout, July 2012
Beyond Policy ‘Lock-In’? The Social Economy and Bottom-Up Sustainability
Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale, 2012, no 67
Mike Gismondi, Kailey Cannon, 2012
Resource Productivity Dynamics: a Cross-Country Overview and Policies
Contribution to the 3rd International Wuppertal Colloquium on „Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity – Harnessing Industry and Policy Towards Eco-Innovation”, Brussels, Sep 4 – 6, 2010
Raimund Bleischwitz, September 2010
Seven principles for measuring what matters .A guide to effective public policy-making
January 2009
Revisiting the economy by taking into account the different dimensions of well-being
Working Paper n.60 Gennaio 2009
Leonardo Becchetti, January 2009
Paper presented at the 5th East Asian Social Policy Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
Chan-ung PARK, November 2008
Issues Paper
Nancy Néamtan, 2005
7 Charter/Manifesto
CAN Europe Manifesto for a Fossil-Free, Socially Just, and Climate-Neutral Union
ENSIE Memorandum European Parliament Elections 2024
March 2024
A cooperative blueprint for Europe
Cooperative priorities for the 2024 European Elections.
Social Economy, a driver of economic and social progress in Europe
SEE Memorandum for the European elections 2024
Madrid Declaration.« The Social Economy, a business model for the future of the European Union »
European Union
May 2017
European Union
December 2016
High Level Event - September 28, 2015, New York
September 2015
One public contribution
Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): political and legal circumstances in Portugal, Spain and Brazil
Cristina Parente, July 2021
10 articles
Public policy news from SSE in Germany
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, December 2023
Günther Lorenz, December 2023
Demonstrations for a feminist, anti-racist, ecologist and anti-capitalist Europe
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, October 2023
Article from El Salto Diario, by Aurora Báez Boza, October 2023
Social economy: Council recommends member states tap its full potential
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, October 2023
Council of the EU, Press release, October 2023
New Basque Equality Law: implications for the 3rd social sector
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, october 2022
REAS Euskadi, October 2022
Social Economy Action Plan: towards a real change in the EU policy ?
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - December 2021
Jason Nardi, December 2021
OECD Global Action on Promoting SSE Ecosystems
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - May 2021
May 2021
RIPESS global advocacy work for the promotion of SSE
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2021
April 2021
Second meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Luxembourg Declaration
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2021
UNTFSSE, January 2021
How Spanish flu helped create Sweden’s modern welfare state
Article of The Guardian, 29/08/2018
Brian Melican, August 2018
Rojava, Syria: A revolution of hope and healing
Article of the Vancouver Observer, April 19, 2017
John Restakis, April 2017
Proposals « For a solidary, prosperous, and green recovery in Quebec. »
G15+ (Chantier de l’économie sociale), January 2022