Crystal Tremblay
Student researcher for the Canadian Social Economy Hub of Canada and a PhD student in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria. Crystal also works in the Community-based Research Laboratory in the Department of Geography in sustainable community development and participatory research.
4 études de cas
The Montréal Social Economy Plan
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, mai 2010
Great Bear Rainforest Sustainable Development Initiative
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, mai 2010
Co-operative Development Initiative
Brief Public Policy Profile CCRPèS - CSERP
Crystal Tremblay, mai 2010
United We Can: Resource recovery, place and social enterprise
Elsevier. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 422–428
Crystal Tremblay, Jutta Gutberlet, 2010
4 Documents d’analyse/working papers/articles
Community Development Journal Advance Access published October 19, 2010
Crystal Tremblay, October 2010
Public Policy for the Social Economy: Building a people-centred economy in Canada
PUBLIC POLICY Paper Series Cahiers SUR les POLITIQUEs PUBLIQUEs Number 03 - jun e 2010
Sarah Amyot, Rupert Downing, Crystal Tremblay, juin 2010
Public Policy Trends and Instruments Supporting the Social Economy: International Experiences
This paper highlights public policy trends and instruments from around the world that use the Social Economy as a framework to enhance socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.
Crystal Tremblay, avril 2010
Advancing the Social Economy for Socio-economic Development: International perspectives
The growing attention to the concept of the Social Economy (SE) is indicative of efforts to address inter-related social, economic and environmental issues affecting the sustainable development of people, communities, and nations, and the inter-dependent nature of global human development.
Crystal Tremblay, March 2010