Alanna Hartzok
Alanna Hartzok is an educator, activist, and lecturer in the areas of economic justice, land rights, and land-value tax reform. She is co-director of Earth Rights Institute; a United Nations NGO representative for the International Union for Land Value Taxation; a board member of United for a Fair Economy; and a member of the Advisory Council for the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela.
Since January 1, 2007, she has been directing the work of an international advisory group that is developing the Land Value Tax/Capture Program of the UN Habitat Global Land Tool Network. The program will describe the what, why, where, and how of this earth-rights policy in preparation for worldwide implementation projects.
Une intervention publique
Democracy, Earth Rights, and the Next Economy
Twenty-First Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures October 2002, Amherst, Massachusetts
Alanna Hartzok, October 2002